Professional dental care products PrevDent nHAp

Professional dental care products PrevDent nHAp

The consistent application of PrevDent nHAp professional toothpaste is effective in removing early dental caries and actively preventing the formation of new dental lesions.

Nano-sized particles of hydroxyapatite (nHAp) reduce tooth sensitivity by targeting the primary causes.

PrevDent is known for maintaining excellent oral health.

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In-office professional teeth whitening procedure PrevDent nHAp

In-office professional teeth whitening PrevDent nHAp procedure materials

PrevDent has a particularly healthy and effective teeth whiteners as in-office professional teeth whitening procedure in dentistry done by professional, that bleaches the deep color of teeth by at least 9 tones and replenishes enamel using a special hydroxyapatite formula (nHAp).

New generation of at home teeth whiteners offers an effective and gentle solution for removing teeth stains and restoring enamel at home.

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Professional dental instruments Deppeler

High-quality dental tools, curettes and scalers

Deppeler SA stands out as a Swiss dental manufacturer, renowned for producing premium dental instruments with exceptional materials and proven techniques since 1934.

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Nano-hydroxyapatite PrevDent nHAp

Hydroxyapatite plays a crucial role in the composition of teeth, constituting 65% of dentin and 97% of enamel

PrevDent's nano-sized hydroxyapatite particles (nHAp) are both biocompatible and active, adhering to dental hydroxyapatite.

These nHAp particles deeply infiltrate the dentin tubules, effectively sealing them and diminishing tooth sensitivity, while also repairing and reinforcing the compromised enamel surface.